
ANSE Summer University 2019 26 - 30 August 2019, Bolzano South Tyrol Italy

Type: Nieuws
Datum: 21 January 2019


26 - 30 August 2019, Bolzano South Tyrol Italy

“Bridging - Connecting worlds through Supervision and Coaching”

Call for SU2019 workshops is open!

We are currently planning the conference program for the ANSE Summer University which is being held in Bolzano between 26 and 30 August 2019. The main theme of the conference week will be “Bridging – connecting worlds through Supervision and Coaching”.

Bridging means to us, to explore the existential way to give shape to separation and connection as natural forces of life. Throughout history, these forces have been expressed in different ways. In today's world, division and polarization seems to prevail. On the other hand, the need and longing to unify is a strongly felt exigency.

During this week, we will explore these ambivalences, effects and observations in our working field and share concepts of bridging, approaches of integration and experiences of connecting.

We are pleased to invite you to share your experience and knowledge to our special professional meeting space.

More info