
Information Session International Intervision Groups, October 7

Type: Nieuws
Datum: 15 September 2022

All ANSE members who are interested and plan to join an ANSE International Intervision Group (IIG) are invited to join our IIG Zoom Session on October 7th, 2022 at 15.00 – 17.00 CET

IIG’s are an important part of the activities of the ANSE community. Supervisors from different European countries work together in the IIG’s. In this way, they enable professional and collegial exchange across national borders and promote European understanding of supervision and coaching in Europe, contributing significantly to the professional identity of supervisors in Europe.

IIG meetings can be arranged face-to-face, online or in a hybrid format. Members of an IIG commit themselves to cooperation for at least 1 year to the group.

Please register

or inform us at ANSE IIG Page in Facebook

Zoom link will be provided after registration. We are looking forward meeting you!

Piret Bristol

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