Het eerstvolgende ANSE Journal nr 4 gaat over Bridging en zal met name artikelen bevatten die te maken hebben met het thema van de Summer University in Bolzano augustus 2019. Hiervoor zijn de mensen die de workshops/keynotes verzorgden aangeschreven. Het Journal komt tegen het einde van het jaar online. Het is wederom gratis te downloaden. Meer informatie volgt t.z.t.
Graag doe ik hierbij al een oproep voor het volgende Journal nr 5 dat als thema heeft: reflection and reflective learning. Ook voor Journal nr 6 kan alvast kopij worden ingestuurd. Het thema: supervision and ethics.
Wil jij een bijdrage leveren? Lees dan eerst onderstaande guidlines en stuur vervolgens je artikel naar: geriandijkhuizen@gmail.com
We zien uit naar meer Nederlandse publicaties in het Journal!
Gerian Dijkhuizen, lid CIC, editor voor ANSE Journal NL
Hieronder vind je de guidelines voor een in te zenden bijdrage.
Basic information:
The name of the journal:
“European Journal for Supervision and Coaching”
ANSE periodical for professional exchange and networking
The general aim/goal:
The journal offers a platform to specific topics to boost and enhance the theory – practice dialogue. With the active involvement of our members, the National Organizations (NO's), ANSE can offer a professional web publication on supervision/coaching topics, which will help us all to promote our trade on the European level, and to make apparent the expertise with which it is carried out.
Target group:
Supervisors/coaches and everyone interested in supervision/coaching.
But first of all this journal is addressed to the members of the National Organizations of ANSE.
The langue of the journal will be English. Every article will be published in English and in the mother language of the author(s). In this way the ANSE Journal could be interesting, too, for readers who are not able to read English. When an article is only written in the national language, the National Organization of that particular country will see to it that it is translated into English.
Content level:
Every number of the journal will on content level be organized around a major theme.
The basic structure of the journal:
The journal is purely an online journal. Each year 2 issues will be published.
The journal is meant to serve the theory – practice dialogue and to boost and sustain networking. Therefore, it offers the following structure:
• Introductory column to the content of the magazine, introduction to the topic, the central theme
• 4-6 articles offering theoretical background, scientific knowledge, information on research, etc.
• 4-6 articles on practice, case studies, individual supervision tools, methods, reports on experiences
• Information about conferences, books and other publications etc.
Structure of content and regulations regarding articles
Each thematic issue will consist of (no more than) 10-15 articles.
Length of the articles:
Theoretical part: 2000-3000 words/ 14.000 – 21.000 signs incl. punctuation marks.
Practical part: 1000-2000 words/ 7000-14000 signs incl. punctuation marks.
Every article has to be written or translated in the English language, it is possible to simultaneously publish the article in the language of the country concerned.
Of each article a short summary is to be made for the newsletter (see below).
Every published article will be collected in an archive that will be permanently accessible, which makes it possible to download a specific article at a later point in time.
The publishers own the copyrights to the articles. For the authors a PDF-version will be made available to use on, for example, their own website. Only with approval from the publishers are other parties allowed to use the articles.
A digital professional journal on European level, for which ANSE and all organizations affiliated with ANSE will share responsibility.
The personal and financial resources of ANSE don’t allow us to run such a big project just by the ANSE Board only. ANSE can only take the risk because/if:
• With The publisher and the publishing company, we have a reliable and enthusiastic partner.
• The main responsibility for the delivery of articles is taken over by the national organizations
• We hope that the success of this journal will motivate authors to send in their articles
• This journal is interesting for every supervisor/coach in Europe